Learn before you Plant.

Learn before you Plant.

The more time you spend at home the more time you have to make sure you learn before you plant! And that is talking to someone that has lived and gardened in your zipcode for at least 50 years! Let's not waste time and effort....let's analyze what is working in your current landscape and not be afraid to remove a few things first...open up some space open up some ideas! Replace that half dead ugly something with a fig tree? a couple peach trees? But you want to know all about having a fig tree or peach trees...yes. . How to take care of it, how to prune, keep healthy... Think of 'em as a pet. I have known many an old guy over the years that still tends to the fruit trees they planted many, many years ago...Be that old guy? Taking a basket of peaches into the house for the wife to make peach shortcakes for the grandkids?....Your strawberry towers finally producing enough strawberries to freeze enough for your Holiday Strawberry Pretzel Salad....Com'on people...plan ahead for those wild garden dreams to come true. get a plant hobby. Plant Pets. Make your yard an extension of your home. Call me. 704-576-7474. Leave a message. Text me.  

Garden Club coming soon.